
There are currently 39 places in Nursery and our Admission limit for main school is 75 children in each year group. Children are admitted into Reception at the beginning of the year in which they reach have their fifth birthday. 

Admission to Foundation Stage
We work as a Foundation Unit with children in Foundation 1 and 2 working together. This helps children to adapt more easily from Nursery (FS1) to Reception (FS2).

Foundation 1 (Nursery)
Parents who wish their children to attend our Nursery complete a Nursery application form. Names are entered onto the database in chronological order and each term places are given to the oldest children on the list. We work closely with Judy Clark Pre-School in order to ensure that children have the maximum number of terms in pre-school education. Parents and children attend ‘Humpty Dumpty’ sessions in order to become familiar with the school setting. Parents must produce their child’s birth certificate before they can be admitted. Pupils are entitled to 15 hours per week. We try to be flexible and where possible, pupils may use their 15 hour allocation in either 5 mornings or afternoons or a combination of full and part days. Some children may be entitled to 30 hours free child care. Parents will need to create a government gateway account from which they will receive their eligibility code. If they are successful, 30 hours will be offered if there are places available. Where ever this is not possible we would signpost the parent to other providers where we would share their allocation.

Foundation 2 (Reception)
Parents must complete a form, which needs to be submitted to the Local Authority by February, in order to secure a place in Reception. Having a place in Nursery does not automatically ensure a place in Reception. All pupils are admitted into Reception in the September of the year in which they are 5 however in order to ease transition there is some flexibility and on occasions very young children have been taken home for lunch initially or remained part-time for the first few weeks where parents have requested this.

You can read our Admission Arrangements on our Statutory Information page here.

We follow the North East Lincs guide to Admissions. Appeals are handled through the Local Authority, to find out more please click here